Thursday, December 08, 2005

The stabbing bachelor - ziggy

man in coat

Ziggy zig zend; can you guess how this story will end?
Do they catch him? Do they fuck!
The closest they got was when they found his truck.


garfer said...

That looks a bit like Rutger Hauer in the Hitcher.
I'm scared and I want to go home.

Ship Creak said...

What, so he's still out there? Will there be a sequel? How else will we know how the story ends?

Oh, right, sequels suck and the whole point is that you're left guessing and wanting more. Got it.

Herge Smith said...

Or, I couldn't come up with a satisfactory conclusion - never assume there is a cunningly crafted plan at work.

Ship Creak said...

Ahh, I assumed, and we all know what assuming does...

Herge Smith said...

a cunt.

Sniffy said...

Just when I thought I might be able to start sleeping at night again.

Anonymous said...

and thus was davros borne unto the world, and he was our messiah. joseph and mary wrapped him in swaddling metal armor... AND WERE EXTERMINATED!

M said...

Zut alors, foiled again!

Ooo, The hitcher was a creepy ass movie. Hmmm, I wonder if they have it at the local movie rental place???