Tony Blair's controversial plan for a new law to stop people "glorifying" terrorism has been backed by MPs.
But what does that actually mean? Does this mean that by the back door the Government and the police can now prosecute anyone or any organisation they deem to be promoting what the incumbent power views as terrorism? Basically anything which suggests they should be removed, by force is necessary?
Let me explain with a current example -
The adaptation of the comic written by Alan Moore called V for Vendetta (which first appeared in Warrior Magazine - alongside his equally impressive Marvelman story) is soon to be released in the US and UK as a film.
The story is set (or was in the comic) in a Fascist Britain circa 1997 (I assume this has been now changed). There are no black people, no gay people, no descent. Only the corrupt iron fisted Governement, it's scheming jackals and the scared underclass they rule.
And then Codename V appears. A Guy Fawkes mask wearing mystery man who from the very outset sees the use of extreme violence and major acts of public destruction as the means to unsettle Britain's ruling elite.
When I and many others first read V back in 1980-1981 he was just a Shakespeare spouting freedom fighter, who would do whatever was necessary to force political change. But in light of the last few years, he is something far far more interesting than we could have imagined, he is an out and out terrorist who blows up the House of parliament, assassinates key figures of Government, and in pone artiularly chilling parallel for our times, enters a TV News room and threatens to detonate the explosive vest he wears under his cape.
Now what V is doing is attacking a Government he sees as fundamental wrong - they are racist, homophobic mass murderers. Although it is never implied that they have illegally invaded any Middle Eastern sovereign nations, but they are still bad none the less. The thing is though, you totally see the World through V, through this terrorist, and you completely understand his actions in the face of such opposition.
Now a movie is around the corner, which by all accounts is reasonably faithful to the comic. And from a certain point of view both the movie and the comic glorify V and his direct action approach to Political upheaval - It glorifies this particular form of terrorism.
So where does that leave our new law? Can this film and comic it came from become illegal.
I dunno, I would like to think that if such a ridiculous knee jerk piece of legislation came into effect the Government and police would at least have the common sense to use it wisely - then you see men like Mr Wolfgang, an octogenarian peace campaigner being roughly ejected from the Labour Party Conference in Brighton last year under new anti-terrorism legislation for simply shouting 'Nonsence' when Jack Straw was pontificating about the Governments 'reasons' for invading Iraq.
Anyway, just a thought.
This is the voice of fate, signing off.