Saturday, July 09, 2005

WE LOVE EACH OTHER - The Guardian Magazine 09/07/05

Reprinted with no permission from The Guardian Weekend Suppliment 09/07/05

we love each other 090705

Kathy & Jonathan Hall

Kathy There’s still a lot of stigma around the acquisition of a partner, and we often hear people in Waitrose make comments under their breath but we just laugh it off. I always say that you pay for it in one way or another. He was my ideal choice, and he was relatively cheap. One with a full head of hair would have cost more, but I like a nice clean scalp.

Jonathan It was awkward at first. I had been on that list for years but finally I was selected. I was a tiny bit disappointed that she was a woman. I do love the fact she dresses so elaborately. Of course, I did not realise at first that she always dressed that way. I had to ban her from the kitchen after her hairpiece caught fire for the forth time. She is very kind to me, and rarely hits my genitals with her wooden fan.Craig Taylor


Sniffy said...

Where the fuck to these people come from? The problem is, it wouldn't be at all shocking if you actually saw this piece in The Guardian.

Nice work.

Unknown said...

Once again you've excelled yourself

Karen said...

I love the part about the genitals and the fan.