Wednesday, June 22, 2005

the truth via greeting card 4

Wedding day


Spirit Of Owl said...

That is a statistic spitefully skewed by most serial divorcees except Liz Taylor.

pissoff said...

LMAO...hence the reason I'm not married.

Karen said...

I thought it was 1 in 2. :)

Kenny said...

I wonder if that is a cumulative statistic or a serial one?

For example, if your chances of divorce are one in three, are your chances of becoming twice divorced one in nine, thrice - one in twenty-seven etc. If so, there may be an argument for marrying again based on cumulative odds.

On other hand, if it remains one in three the second time round we're buggered. But if that is the case, surely your best bet is to marry a third time. Statistically speaking.

Ahem. I'll shut up now.

Herge Smith said...

hey people, it's a wedding day card, which is why it's more positive. As it is I think in the UK it's more like 1 in 2.5, but that doesn't scan as well.

'Scan' - listen to me, what a cunt.

Connie said...

....but you are a brilliant creative cunt, Herge dah-ling. ;)