Monday, June 06, 2005


your mate dave on language


Karen said...

I thought you guys spoke "American", not "English". ;)

Connie said...

ooooh, good one Karen!

Hey Lisa... I can speak a little Canadian French. My Girlfriend is a also a real frog, who actually lived in France as a child... she's the real deal as far as being bi, lingual that is.... Can we be your new girlfriends?

Kenny said...

I should write a bot that visits the Chimp's spot, realises it's a Dave post and comments a "Fuck off Dave" automatically.

Now, where did I put my PHP book?

On the bi (lingual that is) theme, I tried to have an IM conversation in French last night. I failed. Now had I drunk a bottle of finest red and been talking rather than typing, I'm sure it would all have come back to me.

pissoff said...

Andy, you're a man after my own heart. Trying to speak other languages is my specialty when I've had too much to drink. I'm always trying to brige those gaps you know.

Sniffy said...

I speak sort of English, and no other language. Although I understand a bit of Italian and was very good at French at school - but that was nearly 20 years ago and i've forgotten most of it.

Rowan said...

I used to love speaking French. Alas, I can still understand, read it, but most spoken French is nearly gone.