Friday, June 10, 2005


your mate dave on fiddlers


pissoff said...

Shot 'em all and let God sort 'em out.

Karen said...

"kiddie fiddlers"? I've never heard THAT one before!

Rowan said...

Whatever happened to Dave just being annoying? This one, I hate to say, I'm pretty sure I agree with up to a point.

Dave, you are so right on.

Sniffy said...

You MUST've heard of kiddie fiddlers! I wasn't half looked at with disgust when I used it in a meeting once.

Faltanus said...

i think dave is being short-sighted. kiddie fiddlers? yeah - off 'em. but what about rapists in general? they definitely need to go too - cut off their genitals and let them bleed to death. con men who scam old women and the mentally infirmed? they have no right to live. right-wing fundamentalist christians? the romans had the right idea - feed them to wild lions. that asshole who cut me off on the expressway yesterday? oh i so would like to him boiled alive. and stupid people? well let's be honest - it's just merciful to end their lives quickly.

Anonymous said...

Oh no...I said shot....I meant shoot...! April