I feel this strange urge to include Dalek in all my posts - he's already almost taken over once.
I mate just lent me a ton of Who DVDs that feature the Daleks, and the thing is they are totally shit in all of them - wooden, hysterically ineffective killers - they NEVER live up to their promise. Even the Borg got a couple of good outings, but alas not the Daleks.
The new Who came close to make them nails, but even still they bodged it slightly.
They are a very odd design, obviously very sixties, but at the sametime they do look very cool.
That's why I've really grown to love them, and now feel the this strange obsessive compulsive disorder to keep including them, or him, as it is always the same Dalek.
He's becoming a bit of a superstar in his own right. DO you list the Dalek (and borg) blogs on any particular blog directories? I bet they'd get a fair few hits.
Are Daleks former preists that have been tortured by Satan for their evil peccadillos?
Yeah, summit like that.
Ho ho. I love Dalek, he's my alter-ego. Actually, he's my actual ego.
The poor younglings.
I've just seen this again and it cracks me up. Brilliant.
I feel this strange urge to include Dalek in all my posts - he's already almost taken over once.
I mate just lent me a ton of Who DVDs that feature the Daleks, and the thing is they are totally shit in all of them - wooden, hysterically ineffective killers - they NEVER live up to their promise. Even the Borg got a couple of good outings, but alas not the Daleks.
The new Who came close to make them nails, but even still they bodged it slightly.
They are a very odd design, obviously very sixties, but at the sametime they do look very cool.
That's why I've really grown to love them, and now feel the this strange obsessive compulsive disorder to keep including them, or him, as it is always the same Dalek.
He's becoming a bit of a superstar in his own right. DO you list the Dalek (and borg) blogs on any particular blog directories? I bet they'd get a fair few hits.
I don't actually.
Maybe I should, but they are just a couple of supporting characters in the cast of Angry Chimp.
They can have another role as portals to the chimp.
That's true I suppose.
I'll look into it.
Doctor Who gave me nightmares as a child. Mostly that music.....
You've made Dalek almost cuddly...
Dalek is nails, you'll see...when he offers to take the dog for the walk, but actually just sits in the car and has a fag,
evil I tell you! evil.
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