Thursday, August 04, 2005

The Librarian Degree 3.

The Librarian Degree 3.


MoMo said...

First you tell me daleks are not to be trusted, now you tell me that politicians lie too. What next - Becks can't bend it?

Rowan said...

such talent!

Sniffy said...

That is brilliant.

What's happened to Dixon? We're trying to get her to dance with you by lifting her up by her front paws?

EXCLUSIVE! Cakesniffer issues retraction of bum blog! "It was wrong to show such disrespect for my fellow bloggers. I'm ashamed of what I did and I promise it'll never happen again", she said in a statement to Associated Press. She continued, "I was in high spirits because Trillion was here. We thought it'd be a laugh. It wasn't even my bum; it was my face - my bum was too big and it kept hitting the start key".

boabhan sith said...

I'm loving that limerick!

M said...

So the Politicians and Daleks do lie, Oops, there's slung dirt in my eye.

Tina sent out an apology, about the girls whose arses are flappy,

Yet methinks it is all to tease by and by.


Anonymous said...

Herge, it seems that Mhn is challenging you to a limerick-off (you know like a dance-off but for those with more mental coordination than physical - no offense dears), obviously all of her musical training has paid off when it comes to, limericks

Karen said...

I want a Dixie Doo update, as well.

thordora said...

Isn't that every single politician over there? The only times I see papers from the UK, the words "SEX" "panties" and "labour party" are splashed across it...


M said...

None taken anon, but I can boogie too!

Herge Smith said...

Cali - Politicans are pretty much the same as Dalek - they spout rhetoric, are all basically mad with hatred and use soundbites rather than any real dialogue.

Ship Creak said...

What's with the red eyes on this MP, then? Too much brandy the night before, I'll wager?